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Redefining Employee Growth: Boon's Personalized Coaching Platform

Written by Alli Kelly | 5/17/23 11:45 AM

Have you ever experienced burnout? We get it, and so does Alex Simmons. While working in finance in 2019, he faced severe burnout and sought therapy, coaching, and meditation for relief. This journey inspired Alex to create Boon, an innovative platform that unites mental health support and professional development for employees. 

Photo courtesy of Alex Simmons, founder of Boon

At many companies, mental health/behavioral health resources for employees and professional development are thought of in two different, distinct categories. The two departments typically operate in silos.

Boon is changing that narrative. They serve as an extension of HR/People teams by offering a seamless, integrated solution for personal and professional growth.


Benefiting the Employer and the Employee

Recognizing the growing importance of work-life integration and development opportunities for job seekers, Boon aims to transform how companies support their employees.

“There is a shift in what employees are valuing in their work experience and this idea of being supported personally and professionally is a newer concept to some business leaders,” says Alex. “We’re transforming the way people think about supporting their employees by providing integrated personal and professional coaching.”

The Boon platform delivers tangible benefits to both employees and employers. By providing a holistic support system that employees truly utilize and love, Boon contributes to reduced turnover, increased resilience and productivity, and improved job satisfaction. Here are some quick stats to back it up:

  • When a company signs up with Boon, they are typically seeing employee signup rates of more than 40%, and an average employee / coach relationship of more than 10 sessions.

  • Boon users are more than 50% less likely to turnover than non-Boon users. On average, companies are saving $3 for every dollar spent on Boon from employee retention alone.

  • 82% Boon users have increased resilience after just six coaching sessions.

  • 85% of Boon users have increased productivity after just six coaching sessions.

The platform's measurable impact on companies enables them to make data-driven decisions and adapt quickly. This is perfect for businesses facing modern challenges, such as talent retention, burnout prevention, and limited resources for professional development.

Boon team, courtesy of Boon

A Look on the Inside

Boon's internal company culture mirrors the elevated experience offered to customers through its platform. With a customer-centric approach and a continuous improvement mindset, Boon fosters a collaborative and fast-paced environment that celebrates achievements of all sizes. 

Best of all? Employees gain access to the Boon coaching platform for their own personal and professional growth, while new managers participate in specialized training/workshop modules.

Each employee gets access to a coach through the platform to utilize in whatever way they need, whether that be more professional (i.e., navigating difficult conversations, time management & productivity, become a more empathetic leader, etc.) or personal (i.e., coping with stress & anxiety, creating a plan to achieve better work-life integration, etc.).

And if you become a people manager at Boon, you participate in a specific people management training module through the platform to coach new managers on people manager challenges like imposter syndrome, delegating for development, and coping with stress and anxiety.

Alex says, “We empower our employees and give people the ability to build where they see interest or high potential to create value. And they can easily do this through our very own platform.”

Interested in learning more about how Boon is revolutionizing employee support? Visit their website and discover the success stories of companies already utilizing this powerful platform.