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Twin Cities Startup Week Celebrates Rising Minnesota Startup Community

Written by Alli Kelly | 9/19/22 2:00 PM

As the “Startup Capital of the North”, the Twin Cities have seen impressive growth as a startup community in the last few years. According to Midwest Startups, the Twin Cities are ranked #2 of the best Midwest startup ecosystems, with over 40 startups and over $46M in VC funding in the last five years. They’ve also maintained steady growth and the #2 spot since 2017. 

Startups across the Twin Cities are being noticed and receiving funding for serious growth. In the last year alone, When I Work raised $200M, Arctic Wolf $150M, Suma Brands $150M, and Branch $75M. 

This week, Minneapolis and St. Paul are hosting an event to celebrate its emerging — and rapidly growing — startup and tech ecosystem with a week-long immersive conference for the local startup community from September 16-23. 


Twin Cities Startup Week was created to connect, educate, and inspire attendees on all things tech and startups. But everyone is welcome — current entrepreneurs, aspiring founders, or even those who are simply curious about startups. 

This seven-day festival includes over 200 events, broken into various “tracks” for those who would like a bit of focus for their week. Attendees can participate in Culture, Product, Funding, and other tracks to meet their needs and interests. This annual event has sponsorship from big-name companies like 3M, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and Hubspot. 

Attendees can participate in exciting events like…

All events will be led by local startup community members with content driven by not only their own experiences, but by the expertise, they bring to the table through the product they’ve developed.

The Twin Cities Startup Week event is put on by BETA — a non-profit organization that develops programs and cohorts specifically for early-stage technology startups in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area.

"The 'why' of Twin Cities Startup Week is in the name — startups. All through the week, the community will be coming together to learn, connect, and celebrate the amazing people and companies that make up the Minnesota startup ecosystem. If TCSW can foster a new partnership or inspire a new entrepreneur, then we've done our job,” says BETA.MN content manager, Alex Skjong. 

This event is guaranteed to make an impact. Reserve your spot today.