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How to Volunteer with Meaning: DaySmart Combines Community and Industry | purpose.jobs

Written by Lauren Zyber | 2/27/20 5:30 PM

In today’s world, companies that stand for something stand out. 

More and more, people are buying (and staying loyal) to companies that are involved in the community, practice sustainable manufacturing, or live out some other value with which  people identify. But sometimes when a company takes a stand, it can feel inauthentic, random, or like a gimmick. 

For DaySmart, their passion is their work—and their volunteer work. 

“When we look for volunteer opportunities in the community, we frequently try to marry them to one of our core businesses,” said CMO of DaySmart, Steve Martin.

Their business management software primarily serves salons, spas, pet care and tattoo parlors. Their customers serve the community, and that’s an important part of DaySmart’s values.  

“DaySmart Software is not just a company, we are part of the community. As such, we feel a real responsibility to participate, to help out, in order to truly belong,” said CEO of DaySmart, Jeff Dickerson. 

This led them to two unique service opportunities that are authentic to DaySmart because they perfectly combine their community and industry. 


Haircuts For Vets

Salons are a huge part of DaySmart’s business, so the company decided to team up with the Michigan Veterans Foundation to offer free haircuts to homeless veterans in Detroit. Don’t worry—DaySmart employees aren’t the ones cutting the hair. They leave that to the pros and partner with a salon. 

In the weeks leading up to the visit, donation bins are placed by the front door at DaySmart, and they post a list of what the facility is looking for. On the volunteer day, employees take their donations (and breakfast for all) to the Michigan Veterans Foundation in Detroit. They sort donated clothes, clean up around the facility, help sweep hair, and talk with residents. 

“Bringing gifts to people in need is great—and everyone should do that. But providing haircuts to these vets also helped us better understand our customers—the stylists,” explained Jeff. “Everyday their service centers around making people feel better about themselves, that’s essentially what that job is all about. Seeing this in action—watching these vets leave the chair happier, more confident—made all of us feel closer to the businesses we serve.

Courtesy of DaySmart

Adopt a Shelter Day

“‘Adopt a Shelter Pet Day’ (April 30th) presented a unique opportunity for DaySmart employees to ‘adopt a shelter’ for a day, so we did. The Humane Society of Genesee County seemed like a great fit for us,” said Steve. 

Pet grooming is another huge industry for DaySmart, so this opportunity felt perfect for them. They contacted the Humane Society of Genesee County to find out what kinds of donations they needed and then coordinated with a customer of theirs who provides mobile pet grooming services. 

The groomer met the DaySmart team at the shelter and provided free grooming for some of the shelter dogs. The team delivered their donations, made dog toys, and arranged for a local TV station to shoot a profile of the event. Plus, they got to play with the dogs. Who do you think had more fun—the employees or the dogs? Hard to tell. It was a good time all around. 

Courtesy of DaySmart

“We are always looking for ways to get involved as a company, and we provide ample personal days for employees who wish to serve the community in their own way,” Steve said. “These are the places where we live and work and we believe by making them better, we make for a stronger team.”

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