Purpose Jobs blog: startup news & stories about purpose at work

16 Slack Groups to Help you Find Your Online Tech Community

Written by Alice Duers | 10/21/22 1:30 PM

Most of us are on Slack for our jobs most of the day already. Why not join a community of like-minded professionals to expand your network, bounce ideas off, seek advice, or even find your next job? 

We’ve pulled together a list of 16 communities to help you find your people. Whether you’re looking to connect with folks in your city, your demographic, or your specific work function, there is something for everyone. 


Tech Community Slack Groups to Join


Women in Technology

This is a safe, confidential space for women who work in technology to chat and support each other. Consider joining Women in Technology whether you are new to the tech industry or you are a long-time practitioner.


Out in Tech

Join over 40k+ queer techies and allies. Out In Tech is the world’s largest non-profit community of LGBTQ+ tech leaders and aspiring techies (Out in Tech U), founded in NYC in 2013. They believe tech must be representative of all intersectional identities — Black, Latinx, immigrant, trans, non-binary, disabled, neurodivergent, and advocate for a more equitable and inclusive tech through partnerships and programs. 


Tech Masters

Connect with fellow technologists & founders, get help with coding problems, discuss your startup goals and learn new skills with TechMasters.


Ruby on Rails

Comprised of 18,251 Ruby on Rails  developers from all over the world, including avid OSS contributors, full-stack engineers, startup founders, backend engineers, and people just learning Ruby on Rails.



The most supportive community of programmers, CodeNewbie is dedicated to all individuals learning to code. 


Product Tribes

An invite-only community of 10,000+ experienced designers, developers, and PMs. Expand your network and progress your career. Request an invite at Product Tribes.


Creative Tribes

Join 1,600+ folk of Creative Tribes — startup entrepreneurs, strategists, marketers, writers, developers, designers, remote workers and other creatives — to share and discuss tribe-building strategies, experiences and resources.


Designer Hangout

Designer Hangout is a dedicated, invite-only network of UX designers and researchers who discuss trends, give advice, share stories, uncover insights, surface opportunities, and connect in-person. As a UX practitioner, Designer Hangout is your "secret weapon" to progressing your career and accomplishing your life goals.


Detroit Software Slack

Join 600+ software engineers local to Detroit in the Detroit Software Slack channel. 



IndyHackers is a network for all tech folks in Indiana. Fostering community connections and celebrating individual successes.


TechLife Columbus

Columbus people are learning and building all kinds of things together! Want to be a part of it? Join the TechLife Columbus Slack community.


Twin Cities Chaos Engineering Community

Twin Cities Chaos Engineering Community is a group for reliability engineering disciplines to get together and share ideas on Chaos Engineering. If you're passionate about building a more resilient system so you can sleep at night come hang out!


Chicago Tech

Chicago Tech is a slack group for the Chicago Technical Community.


Cincy Tech Slack

Cincy Tech Slack — Cincy Tech Scene. Simple as that. 


STL Tech Slack

STL Tech Slack is where most of the interactions in St. Louis Tech happen on Slack. Join the conversation!


Purpose Slack Community

Purpose Slack Community is a free Slack workspace dedicated to folks passionate about the Midwest tech and startup community. Dive deeper into the Purpose Jobs community by joining us on Slack. Stay up to date on #2_midwest-news. Post your resume or share more about what opportunities you're looking for in #6_open-to-work.  Or ask the community questions or advice in #4_advice. 

Join our slack community today!