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Reasons Why You’ll Love Working Remotely

Reasons Why You’ll Love Working Remotely

Many of us have experienced that work from home life at least a little bit. And while it may have been tough at first (especially under such unusual and difficult circumstances), lots of people have discovered the serious advantages to remote work. (If you’re still trying to figure it out, that’s okay, we all are working it.)

As companies begin to shift to more remote-friendly policies, they present a lot of opportunities to people—and not just the chance to wear leggings all day. 

Thinking about taking on a new, fully remote job? Here’s why you’re probably going to love working from home. 

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The top 6 reasons you’ll love working remotely

1. The work/life balance

This is something we all strive for, right? How many times have you told yourself, “I need to find a job with a great work/life balance”? When you’re working for a remote company, you can finally make it happen. Now, there are challenges that come with it, and it really can be a balancing act. Some people tend to work more hours because they don’t have to try to get out of the office in time to beat rush hour traffic. But on the other hand, you’re not sitting in rush hour traffic. 

When your commute is about a ten second walk from your kitchen to your home office, you can spend more of your day doing what you want to do. Go for a nice walk in the morning before you log on. Play tennis in the park after you log off. Read a book on your lunch hour because you can. When you work from home, you’re not wasting time commuting. Some people have gotten back 2 hours of their day. Think about what you can do with 10 extra hours a week. 

2. Get it done

This survey shows that working from home has increased employee productivity 47%. That’s a pretty big spike, but it makes sense. When you’re working remotely, you’re free from office distractions that, let’s face it, are sometimes welcome, but can make you unproductive. Coffee breaks are great, but we all have that one coworker who will chat with you for twenty minutes about their daughter’s wedding. Or what about when you’re really in the groove and someone asks you a question? When you get thrown out of your flow, it can be hard to get back on track. But working remotely can keep you focused and help you get it done (and your laundry, and your morning workout, etc.) 



3. Autonomy

Companies that have been completely remote for years often say that one of the best things about working there is the autonomy. Leaders have to trust their employees to get the job done without the ability to monitor them. And when employees feel like they’re trusted and empowered to do a good job, they usually will. In a remote position, there’s often the freedom to be creative, try new things, and work independently. Of course, there’s always teamwork involved. And there are so many digital tools out there to make that part of the job easier. But people tend to flourish when they’re given a bit of autonomy. 

4. Flexibility

When you’re working remotely, you’re not confined to the office norms that are sometimes a little silly. Why do we all have to be there at 9? Of course, some remote positions maintain “regular” working hours, but a lot of remote jobs come with flex hours or at least a little flexibility. So not only do you get a couple hours back in your day to do what you want, but you can also take some time to get things done (remember #2, get it done). Throw a load of laundry in, get your dishes done, make your doctor appointments—and have the privacy to do it. Of course, you shouldn’t be spending a large amount of your time doing chores, but it’s nice to take a five minute break and check something off your task list. And if you have flex hours, take an hour break and go for a run. Grab some ice cream. Live your life. 

5. Work anywhere

Working in a remote role can also bring flexibility in your work space. Want to work in your favorite chair? Go for it. (I myself am writing this from my couch at the moment.) How about the patio on a beautiful day? You do you. Many employers offer remote employees a membership to a co-working space so if you still want that office feel a few times a week, you can do it. 

Want to get even wilder? Working remotely can give you the freedom to travel more easily. Want to rent an RV and road trip across the country? Bring your laptop and work while you travel. As long as you have good WiFi and can stay connected to your team while putting in your hours, why not work in Dublin or Paris? Sign off when you’re done with your day and enjoy your evening exploring a new city. 

6. Live anywhere

So you want that dream job in Chicago but don’t want to leave your dope life in Detroit. We get it. Detroit is a great place to be. Taking a remote job gives you the opportunity to work where you want, and live where you want—they don’t have to be the same place. Many people choose to live in the Midwest because it’s affordable and home to a lifestyle that people love. It also is home to a ton of great tech and startup companies. So if you’re on the coast and want to boomerang back to the Midwest, you can do that. Even if your home is in Columbus but your “office” is in Indy

The remote world is your oyster. 


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