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Finding Balance with Alex Simmons

Finding Balance with Alex Simmons

If you've been following along in this series, the name Boon probably isn't unfamiliar. They've partnered with us on 3 of the first episodes of Finding Balance, because it's something they're passionate about too. 

So I sat down with founder of Boon to get his take on balance, mental wellness, professional growth and more. 

Alex Simmons founded Boon in 2019 after experiencing extreme burnout working in investment banking. He knew there had to be a better way for employees to access wellness tools and resources, so he created Boon. 

We talk about this story, how he prioritizes family, the stigma around mental health, and more. Check out the full conversation in this week's episode of Finding Balance with Alex Simmons. 


Finding Balance With Alex Simmons


About Boon

Boon is the one-stop personal and professional growth tool for the modern day employee. They offer 1:1 personalized coaching, group coaching, company-wide seminars and workshops, and more. To learn more about Boon and what they offer, visit their website.


Watch More Episodes of Finding Balance

I'm sitting down with startup leaders across the region to see different perspectives on work-life balance and how people achieve it. Check out the video series below:

Episode 1 with Alex Frommeyer 


Episode 2 with Julia Kimmel

finding balance still

πŸ‘‰ watch the full episode with Alex

  julia kimmel

πŸ‘‰ watch the full episode with Julia


Episode 3 with Adam Schoenfeld


Episode 4 with Nils Root

finding balance - adam schoenfeld

πŸ‘‰ watch the full episode with Adam

  finding balance - nils root (1)

πŸ‘‰ watch the full episode with Nils


Episode 5 with Tyler Hakes

finding balance with Tyler Hakes

πŸ‘‰ watch the full episode with Tyler